Babes in Bookland

Undaunted: Surviving Jonestown, Summoning Courage, and Fighting Back by Jackie Speier

Alex Season 1 Episode 3

What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail? 
This is the creed Jackie Speier lives her life by. After narrowly surviving a massacre while visiting the Jonestown commune in Guyana, Jackie is more determined than ever to be a change for good in the world. In this episode, my friend, Lizzie, and I will dive into this incredible woman and her journey. We'll discuss how her faith comforted her through many difficult times, how her drive and empathy would inspire her to pass landmark legislation, and how her compassion, determination and advocacy set her apart in politics. 
Listener discretion advised: sexual assault, sexual abuse, gun violence, pregnancy loss, spousal death

If you have any comments or questions, please connect with me on Instagram or email I’d love to hear your suggestions and feedback!

Link to this episode’s book:
Undaunted by Jackie Speier

Other ways to support/connect with Jackie Speier:
Jackie Speier Foundation

Transcripts are available through apple’s podcast app—they may not be perfect, but relying on them allows me to dedicate more time to the show! If you’re interested in being a transcript angel, let me know. 

This episode is produced, recorded, and edited by me.

Special thanks to my dear friend, Lizzie, the catalyst of the podcast! Your love and support give me wings.

Xx, Alex

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